Reducing Work Related Stress - Discover Vital Solutions

Reducing work related stress becomes simple once you have a formula you can apply to each situation.

For example, I teach a formula called ERASE in my book, Stress Less: Transforming Stress to Success.

ERASE stands for Environment, Rejuvenation, Awareness, Strategy and Equip.

ERASE Formula

Let’s look at how we can pull from the formula to help your stress levels.

Identify What You Can and Can’t Control

If you’re experiencing difficulty sleeping at night because your mind is racing with what’s happening in your business or career then it’s vital to find solutions.

One of the first areas to focus on is where you have complete control. Your work related stress may be caused by worrying about factors you have no control over.

Has there been talk of a merger, layoffs or restructuring? I fully understand the uncertainty these issues cause.

Come to the realization that you can’t control these situations. Focus your attention on what you can control.

Place your attention on doing the best work possible. Double down on showing everyone around you how competent and important you are inside your business.

Stress makes you feel out of control. Your job is to take back as much of that control as you possibly can so you can move forward productively.

This is an example of using Awareness to lessen stress.

businesswoman relaxing as she works

Get Active

I often hear from my clients that instead of one big identifiable work issue it’s the day-to-day “busy-ness” causing the stress.

One effective way to deal with the general stress caused by your work is exercise.

Get away to the gym. Jog through the local park. Use light weight training.

Exercise releases those "good feeling" endorphins. It physically releases the stress from your body. It actually relieves those jumbled, confused thoughts you have running through your mind.

When you get back to work after exercising you should notice that you’re more relaxed with a more focused mind.

This is an example of using Environment to reduce your stress levels.

Treat Yourself To Essential Oils

Using the Equip part of the ERASE formula, you treat yourself to simply smelling an essential oil. Citrus oil, for example, will help you concentrate and relax more easily.

You can use a diffuser to fill your work or home space with the pleasing, relaxing scents of essential oils.

Add in soft, soothing music and you’ll start to feel better no matter what’s happening around you.

We’ve covered 3 quick examples of how you can use my ERASE formula for reducing work related stress.

I invite you to read my book and allow me to open up the full formula so you’re fully equipped for permanently eliminating stress from your life.

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"Nan has done it again with Stress Less. This book is concise, powerful and gives you simple tools to help you eliminate stress easily and effortlessly . The ERASE Formula really works!" - Barbara Rasor, Emotional Intuitive

"Nans intuitive guidance and coaching promotes positive change in her clients’ lives; and you won’t be disappointed with the results. It never ceases to amaze me what limiting beliefs and emotional baggage she can uncover and eliminate for good." - Karen J.

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